Monday, August 30, 2010

Gun regulations made stronger following shooting in Marbella City

Stricter regulations regarding firearms on property within Marbella city ordered by Mayor, Gregory J. Heep, 29 Aug. 2010.

Attempting to protect all citizens of the city, an Executive Order was made to direct all city departments to inventory all rules, policies and leases relating to firearms. As well as banning all firearms from Marbella property such as community centers and parks.

This order followed a shooting incident, involving a gun owner, with a history of drug abuse and mental problems, injuring three people at the Folklife Fesival May 24.

“The reason for this executive order is clear,” Heep said. “The city’s parks, community centers and events are safer without guns. We can’t wait for another incident, another innocent victim. We need to act, and we call on the Legislature to pass common-sense gun laws.”

Carla Worthingham, who's ten-year-old daughter was blinded by a drive-by shooting outside Marbella Public Library last June believes there is no conceivable reason to allow guns in public places.

City departments are ordered to return in 30 days with a plan to implement a gun-free policy for the city.

Questions about the Executive order can be directed to the contracting staff in the Office of the Mayor, Executive Administration.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Story 4 is the most newsworthy

Story 4, about Mike "the Situation" Sorrentino, is the most newsworthy for the following reasons: Although the story gives a bio about Sorrentino and the show that made him famous, there is an underlying important message that is omnipresent on the minds of every working person. It addresses the fact that Sorrentino makes a ridiculous amount of money without doing much to earn it. Him and his castmates basically spend their time partying and occasionally working at a t-shirt shop on the boardwalk. It hits hard to those suffering through the economic crisis that is currently not only putting many out of work, but drastically lowering their income while those on reality tv shows are making millions.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Practice AP quizes

AP style A-3: 80%

First post

Mallory is a mature student that has made good relationships and is proud to be a good daughter and friend.